they created there own film,this is a trailer for it looks brilliant and cleaver.
At the moment the project that I have been given is electro music which I pretty much know nothing about.I know that Daft Punk are the center of this so Ive been listening and research there music which I find good but I think they would be better if I could see them live.think it would be a better impact.
This a music video which is one of there well know work they have made,kayne West even made his own cover of this.Daft Punk never show there identify and most of there music videos are blue alien cartoons.
I was researching of different text and I found this: Its a magazine about skatboarding.Also it had a great illustration cover aswell.
This picture reminds me of that beautiful and also very disturbing film pans abyrinth.I love that film but I wouldnt watch it too many times you might get depressed.Its like one of those films that your really want a happy ending because its so sad and dark.