From learning how to present boards during the course of this year has given me a professional approach of showing my work
having clear photographs and simple explanation of the boards.
This was my first time creating boards what is good brief they look OK but could of been a lot better and got alot of help producing it but still quite understand how boards work.

Again when making the live brief with Adam (ctrl alt shift HIV)
we created great ideas and final result but when came to producing the boards it click how boards should work
clear photographs
self explanatory
tells a story
strong impact

From this Ive created my portfolio as professional as possible and always keep playing with the layout and what to put in the past 2 months too get it right and I'm quite happy with it.

Creative ambitions:
to create more professional clean clear and simple work like for example:
Hello Hello design clear clean design and simple bright colours and shapes

concentrate on more type and layout and be more ambitious of illustrations
Always in college and work hard and use my time effectively and productively
have a structured time table
quantity of work
quality of illustrations
for example my sainsburys typography roots is on of my best illustrations and enjoyed doing.

also my postcards having a experimental approach towards illustration.

This is also another postcards design but using my photographs and photoshop mixed together.
The effect has worked brilliantly using simple shape and colour.

My quality of images have improved a lot because of image elective it got me in practice and be a lot more exsperiemtal and opened to make mistakes and learn from them.

produce a strong amount of design ideas and final products

Live project windows of oppertunitys and dont panic
created a simple decreative illustration to put on the windows of oppertunity making it bright and colourful and delicate feel.

Working with adam was brillant as we got on well and i was listened to my oppionons and always willing to show has ideas. I was very honest which made use push each others work and made use bring an fantastic idea and design consept.
We both had an stricked timetable which we stuck to very well and i think thats why we produced a such amount of work but with quality aswell.

this is the leaflet which adam did most of the layout
and i was i charge of the images and spray painting, screen printing and creating bags.
both of use got to work with each other designs and had the freedom to play with it.

For the good breif I ahd to test different designs for t-shirts and produced a fast amonut of t-shirt designs:
I like to produce more than one ideas but mulitple this my strong suite

my quality of final produces and photographs have improved a lot and begingin to enjoy the finshing part which at the beginning of the course i didnt enjoy at all.

Was my after effects I enjoyed the storyboards the whole creative part but working on the computer was un-inspiring and the fear of losing my work was not nice but made me constantly back up my work not with just after effects but with everthing that I do I back my work onto my spare hard drive and disks.
Its deffently made me narrow down what I dont want to do
and that is animation
Professional Concerns:
feel like Ive misssed out on typ elective I do know the basics but I feel my knowledge of it is bad and during the third year and the summer i will be concertrating on typ and layout.
Work you are doing now with the dissertation:
During the 1st year I was happy just to get a pass
but when i did my enterprise I choose something I enjoyed and that was book and My bussiness plan was to create a independent book shop
I got 78% for my presentation, because of this gradeit made me more determined to get better grade for my critical studies
and got 56%
so I choose something that I m passionate about and know quite well
cd design
Is CD design important for selling records?
Ive already watched a few documentarys of factory records and already soerted an interview of a designer who designs cd covers zoviet france.