We had to pick a Pacific image from everything that we found during the summer andsum up a pattern or message from our collection.
When i i was put into groups it was obvious that what i did was about coins.As a group we came up with ideas like 'object of desire', or 'more money more problems'. There were good ideas but i thought I could come up with something better that is relevant to the summer brief.
I came up with idea about the price getting increasingly high food, petrol, gas and electric. Also major bank company's going bankrupt and air plain company's.
I used the word 'The credit crunch' because its now the most used word in the nation during the past few months. The pound coin was a a perfect icon of using the meaning of money but also showing the queens face pins points the money issue in Britain.
I used helevetica for my typography and used the icon to 'crush' the credit crunch typography. I took the photo simply by using to sheets of paper one on the table and other on the wall. The sequence works well its just a shame that the computer that i was using would let me open adobe illustrator so i could manly change the typography while it was getting crunch but i manage with photoshop. Apart from that this is my first quick brief since June so I'm a bit chuffed.

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